Saturday, March 6, 2010

Balancing Act

Ms. Single Mom, if you take a second to blink your eyes it seems that the day or week will have jumped ahead of you, almost instantly. It's the month of March already!
Are any of you still working to complete your Goals List from January? If that's you, hurry and finish it! As in the life of every single mom, time management requires a careful balancing act. We all fall behind schedule sometime because it's just plain hard to always predict your day and to keep up with your own plans. Trying to manage the day to day activities of life is hectic enough, and now you have to check what you're doing against a list?!
And you do all this just to be sure you're still on the track that know you just fell off of. No worries. Pick yourself up, Shake yourself off, Steady yourself, and Get back on track. Find Your Balance!!!

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